
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2017

Save the Elephants

https://savetheelepthants.blogspot.mx/ T he "Save The elephants" is an international enviromental organization. It's  currently working  in more than 150 countries .Our mission is to protect the Asian elephants. Asian elephants are native to the Sub-Saharan Africa and the rain forests of central and West Africa and the Sahel desert in Mali, Nepal, India and South East Asia. They eat grasses, roots, fruit and bark. They need to survive 136 kg of food in a day,  drink fresh water, at least once a day. But now Asian elephants are in danger for three reasons. First, deforestation of their habitat; second, poaching to obtain their toks and human population. The STE  is combating these  problems. We are promoting forest and establishing  national parks. The STE is also collaborating with schools, companies and indigenous commumities to  educate people about  the importance of taking care of asian elephants. We need your help to protect the Asian elephan ts